RailCommunity - Verband der HerstellerDigitaler Modellbahnprodukte e.V.Hall Maimarkt - Stand 1738 Make an appointment with the exhibitor Ms. Mr. First name* Surname* Desired date E-Mail* Message Phone number Your appointment request will be sent to the manufacturer with your name and e-mail address. You will receive your appointment confirmation by e-mail from RailCommunity - Verband der Hersteller Digitaler Modellbahnprodukte e.V.. Information on data processing can be found in our privacy policy. Request an exhibitor appointment Products & Services RailCommunity - Verband der HerstellerDigitaler Modellbahnprodukte e.V. Sekr. SG18 Salzufer 17-1910587 BerlinGermany +49 151 16253242 herholz@digitale-modellbahn.de https://www.railcommunity.org Visit RailCommunity - Verband der Hersteller on the Faszination Modellbahn 2025