Registration Model Railway Forum for Faszination Modellbahn Mannheim 2025
So that you can present your products or knowledge to the expert audience of the “Faszination Modellbahn” even better, we are again planning a model railroad forum, equipped with sound system and beamer. Laptop should be brought along if possible your own. The forum is available to exhibitors & participants of Faszination Modellbahn during the fair to present their products, technical innovations, to present your company/club or to share your expertise. We would be very pleased if you would enrich the free offer of the forum with a contribution to the presentation of new products and/or another specialist offer. Registration is possible until Saturday, February 08, 2025. After successful registration you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt by e-mail! After the registration deadline, we will prepare a schedule that will be sent to you in time for the fair. We hope for your participation and look forward to a varied and exciting forum program on the subject of model railroads. Simply fill in the online form below and send it off!