Final report from 14.03.2024: The FASZINATION MODELLBAHN 2024 in Mannheim was a complete success!

From March 8 to 10, 2024, almost 15,000 enthusiastic model train enthusiasts and their families flocked to the Maimarkthalle to explore the fascinating world of miniature trains. The fair offered something for everyone: from true-to-original locomotives and Santa Claus fantasy trains to the classic locomotive with Jim Button and Lucas the engine driver. The atmosphere on the Maimarkt grounds was wonderful, and the harmonious interaction between exhibitors and visitors contributed significantly to the success of the event.
Innovative trends and new features this year
As an international trade fair for model railroads and accessories, FASZINATION MODELLBAHN presented the latest innovations for 2024. Visitors could look forward to a variety of new models, techniques, electronics, software and equipment, which were offered for every gauge and era, both analog and digital.
What the FASZINATION MODELLBAHN had to offer
The 19 beautiful model railroad displays of clubs and associations from Germany, France and the Netherlands were undoubtedly the stars of the Maimarkthalle. 121 exhibitors, seven private layouts and ten other clubs and IGs were there: with drive technology, tracks, sound and lighting solutions, signals, buildings, figures and landscaping, micro model making and stationary steam model making. Each facility was a masterpiece and bore the unique signature of its builders. Visitors of all ages were able to discover little stories and nice details everywhere, inviting them to marvel, ask questions and even try things out.
Many reasons to celebrate
“I would like to express my sincere thanks to the extremely committed and innovative clubs and associations, as well as the leading manufacturers in the industry, who have made three impressive days at the trade fair in the Maimarkthalle Mannheim possible. This is the only way we can succeed year after year in putting on a trade fair for young and old that is completely dedicated to model railroads,” summarizes Sascha Bürkel, Project Manager of Messe Sinsheim.
There was also a special opportunity to celebrate: “We would like to congratulate Herpa on its 75th anniversary.” Herpa even offered an exclusive trade fair model at its stand: a Mercedes Sprinter with the branding of FASZINATION MODELLBAHN.
Industry leader Märklin put on a great show at its stand. The model railroad manufacturer from Göppingen presented a surprise locomotive and a total of 256 new items for railroad fans, including 132 from Märklin, 96 from Trix and 28 from LGB.
Joy and enthusiasm from all sides
The model railroad forum was a rich source of technical knowledge for all hobbyists. With interesting and expert presentations and films on “Railway Romanticism”, it was very popular with the public. Hagen von Ortloff, inventor and creator of the popular TV series “Eisenbahn-Romantik”, was also delighted by the great interest and the many conversations with visitors about their childhood memories.
For young and old
The numerous offers, presentations, play areas for children and families as well as handicraft and hands-on offers from the exhibitors put the model railroad community in high spirits at FASZINATION MODELLBAHN! The positive feedback from visitors on the trade fair’s social media accounts confirms it: “I’ll be back next year. I liked it very much”. Thank you very much for your feedback!
Andreas Wittur, authorized representative of Messe Sinsheim, was also extremely satisfied after the three days of the trade fair: “The trade fair weekend with almost 15,000 visitors was a complete success! The exhibitors gave us consistently positive feedback. This confirms to us as organizers that our proven concept as a high-quality technical trade fair in Mannheim is working and still offers a lot of potential for the future. We are already looking forward to FASZINATION MODELLBAHN from March 7 to 9, 2025 here in the Maimarkthalle Mannheim and to FASZINATION MODELLBAU on the weekend of November 1 to 3, 2024 in Friedrichshafen.”
You can find fascinating trade fair photos for use free of charge for reporting on Faszination Modellbahn here:
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There and on the trade fair website, we continuously publish impressions and information about the FASZINATION MODELLBAHN.
Important note & save the date! In the fall, FASZINATION MODELLBAU, the leading international trade fair for model railroads and model making, will once again take place together with the cult event ECHTDAMPF-HALLENTREFFEN from November 1-3, 2024 in Friedrichshafen! All info:
Contact: Messe Sinsheim GmbH
Phone: +49 7025/9206-100