The gauge 0 model railroad plants introduce themselves

Track 0: Gate 4 operating diorama
The model railroad layout is an operating diorama in gauge 0. The theme is a subordinate single-track factory siding with shunting facilities and a terminus of the aforementioned single-track branch line. Shunting is done by means of 4 points and a crossing either into the factory building or the double-track siding for liquids of various kinds. This module demonstrates that even in 0-gauge with little space, extensive driving operations can be represented in an exemplary landscape. In terms of era, the layout is in the style of the late sixties of the last century on DB tracks. The added fiddleyard allows for varied train operation. Operator: H-gauge Nuller Willich, 47877 Willich Layout size: 8 x 2 m
Track 0: Merzebach
Merzebach is a German fantasy model railroad from Era III. A village with a station was built on the right-hand side of the layout. The station yard consists of an entrance track, a segment turntable, a shunting track, a loading and unloading track for the furniture factory and a track to the furniture factory. From the station, the train crosses a bridge over the level crossing through a rural landscape past a farm towards Fiddleyard, where it is turned around. The layout consists of 10 modular barges and 1 fiddleyard, 3 more modular barges with a station with shunting facilities will be added in the future. Operator: VAMES Gauge 0, NL – 7314 HR Apeldoorn Layout size: 11 x 0.8 m
Gauge 0: A lot of driving on this layout
On an area of 36 m² Volker & Claudius Schüle from Karlsruhe will show his 0-gauge layout. Nostalgia fans will get their money’s worth with this Tinplate layout. Märklin, Bing, Lionel and various other manufacturers from 1935 to 1953 can be found on this layout, which has numerous sidings. Unlike two-lane plants, the plant fills the entire area. A lot of driving is guaranteed on this layout!
Here, visitors can also have a go at running their own 0-gauge models on the nostalgic tracks. So the models of the visitors are also in the spotlight! Locomotives can run in 3 wire AC or DC Märklin style, so no steam vehicles. Clockwork locomotives are also welcome.
Operator: Nostalgie Spur 0 Karlsruhe, Mr. Volker & Claudius Schüle, D-76199 Karlsruhe, Germany
Plant size: 10 x 3 m