Welcome to the model railroad forum!

Practical relevance is also written “big” at Faszination MODELLBAHN Mannheim. Come to the free model railroad forum and find out about new products and complex content relating to model railroading. Short lectures with a lot of content are waiting for you.
The Model Railroad Forum’s list of expertise is long and the topics are varied. Enough choice to offer something interesting for every visitor.
Here is an excerpt from the lecture program:
- Digital model railroad – What is it? by Heiko Herholz (DiMo-Digitale Modellbahn)
- Model railroad control with the app from Heiko Herholz (DiMo-Digitale Modellbahn)
- Overview of locomotive decoders from Heiko Herholz (DiMo-Digitale Modellbahn)
- Lighting technology on model railroads by Mr. Arnold Hübsch (AMW Hübsch)
- Novelties of the 3 brands Viessmann, kibri, Vollmer by Matthias Viessmann (Viessmann Modelltechnik)
- Viessmann CarMotion – Presentation with Q&A session by Matthias Viessmann (Viessmann Modelltechnik)
- New products of the Märklin, Trix, LGB brands by Daniel Kahler (Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH)
- Proven technology or electronic waste? Tips for dealing with old devices from Kersten Tams (Tams Elektronik GmbH)
- Jagsttalbahn – The Hobby Museum Railway by Ron Scherhaufer (Jagsttalbahnfreunde e.V.)
- Award ceremony of the private plant competition (on Saturday)
Take advantage of the offer to take home a knowledge advantage!
Films about fascinating train rides of railroad romance around the world complete the offer of the forum.
You can find the Model Railway Forum at booth no. 1262!
The complete program of the Model Railway Forum will be published here about 4 weeks before the show.
Here you can download the schedule of the Model Railway Forum: